Patron saint of Cracow
St. Simon of Lipnica
St. Simon of Lipnica (born between 1438 and 1440 in Lipnica, passed away July 18 in 1482 in Cracow) –polish saint of the catholic church,presbyter, priest of the Franciscan Order of Friars Minor (OFM) – Observants.
Parents of St.Simon, Anna and Gregory, even though they were not wealthy, tried to provide Simon with best education possible. In 1454 Simon began studies at the faculty of liberal sciences, at the Cracow Academy. He graduated in 1457 and became the bachelor.
At 8 of September in 1453, St. John Kapistran founded first observants monastery in Poland, dedicated to St.Bernardine of Siena. St Simon, like many young people at the time, joined the Bernardine order, most likely under the influence of St. John’s passionate seremons. After his novitiate under the guidance of Fr. Christopher of Varese, he made his first vows in 1458.
After completing theological studies, Simon received priestly vows around 1460-1462. Firstly, he served as an superior of the Tarnow Convent. Then he moved to Stradom in Cracow, where he dedicated himself to preaching. His seremons were famous for their clarity and wisdom. Like St. Bernard of Siena and St. John Kapistran, he devoted himself to spreading the divine service to Jesus Holy Name and converting number of sinners. In 1463, St. Simon became first Bernardine, conventual preacher at the Wawel Cathedral. Therefore he was given a title of praedicator ferventissimus. His conventual life was charcterised by severity. He was great worshipper of Holy Sacrament, Holy Mother and the Holy Name of Jesus.
Between July of 1482 and January of 1483 Cracow was suffering from cholera epidemic. During this period, monks from Bernardine monastery, including St. Simon, were tirelessly taking care of infected people. St. Simon devoted himself to helping others and performing sacraments. Soon, he fell ill himself. St. Simon endured the disease with humility. Before his death, he asked to be buried under the doorstep of the church.
St. Simon died six days after he got sick, at July 18 in 1482. After his death, over 370 miraculus recoverys and graces attributed to St.Simon were recorded. His grave was visited by many pilgrims. His relics can be seen in the Cracow’s Bernardine church on Stradom near Wawel.
Prayer for the intercession of St. Simon
St. Simon, help me to be merciful through the respect for human body. May the Holy Spirit come to me through Your prayer and sanctify me, that I will never forgot the sick, weak, crippled and dying. Spirit of Love, let every person in need be touched with tenderness. Amen
St. Simon of Lipnica – pray for us!